I've recently become quite fond of style icon and fellow entrepreneur, Ashley LeBlanc. I see her to be incredibly unique in all that she does and surely this had an influence on how I continued to see everyday life. Last week LeBlanc shared her views on the do's and dont's in the professional world. After reading the complete list, I realized that this was just something that people tend to do on a daily basis without having to realizing the image that is being portrayed.
"-You run your own company yet your employees are always late, and so are you.
-Every time someone sends you an inquiry about interviewing you with their e-mail and contact number (you still decide to Facebook them on their wall-uber unprofessional- or even in their inbox-you still think that's professional?- Oh no.
-You tweet a major or local celeb about meeting up for tea and possibly interviewing them. -Twitter?-
-Someone whom you are being interviewed by sends you questions via e-mail and though you spend most of your time on Twitter and Facebook it takes you SEVERAL weeks to reply... And the feedback is not as enjoyable as one would have thought.
-You text your business associate rather than call or e-mail them (calling would be preferred).
-You text your business associate AFTER BUSINESS HOURS! If its after 10pm and all you can say is : "Hey I just got your questions I will send them in a few". That could have honestly waited until the morning between the hours of 8am and 6pm.
-You decide to wear your lucky pair of chucks to your interview with Sony (yes we all know its a record deal... But you still need to be doning a suit and some dress shoes w/ a TIE!
-You possess a callertune on your phone. In which when a person of business calls you they are scared half to death with your favorite song blasting in their ears. Thus you have lost that opportunity. Or you have a very unprofessional voice box set up. Nobody cares about heartbreak in the world or BUSINESS!
-You are on a public train or bus and you are so loud with your phone conversation. You never know when you are around a potential employer. Or even your future boss at a huge corporation like SoBe Water.
-You post videos on YouTube, MySpace, Facebook and Vimeo of you and your friends being children, or you and your friends drinking, or even of you being too cocky to listen to your agent while in a cab you blast music and post it like that's the new "cool".
-You claim to be grown yet you still live with your Mom, you still have her washing your clothing and you don't have a damn job.
-Ideally a professional person always carries themselves in a professional manner. This person is highly respectable, and does not even take place in nonesense such as all the above."
If this has gotten more than just your attention and you'd like to read more about what LeBlanc thinks, you can find her at Haus of Fade
Be Professional.
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