Dark Skin

Tim Hamilton's Spring 2010 women's collection has a very strong and dark essence to it. The woman of the season clearly cares nothing for glamour, nor does she care to have her picture taken. Oddly enough it seems that people would perceive her this way without a doubt. I do dig trousers!
Don't Mock Me...
It is in fact the season to pull out your gloves. If you haven't gotten your hands in a pair of Raf Simons' organically shaped gloves, lined in 100% cashmere... you're definitely missing out. Bring out your camel colored coat and indigo jeans... there's no time to waste!
Can't Study War....

In life we tend to search for something new whenever we're tired of a certain routine. Thanks to Koren label, Tim Homme's and his Fall 2009 collection.... we need not worry. I'm particularly fond of the "pop-up" double breasted blazer since his has such a unthinkable modern feature to it. I wouldn't mind wearing that piece to someone's business meeting. Agreed?
Don't Shatter My Heart!
As you may have read last week, I had the pleasure of working hand in hand with Marian Ingram on set with Priscella Renea for her shoot with Fanzine Magazine. After furthering my research on Capitol's new artist, I happened to discover that the chick is really dope for a 20 year old.
The stove is hot!
Magic Carpet Ride.

These dropped crotch linen trousers by Chronicles of Never are without a doubt for the brave and trendy. Please do not try this at home if you do not have the proper equipment to keep you safe from the tabloids. Just know that I support the caused if it goes hand in hand with your style and persona.
Let's Be Fair.
If you just have faith, the good stuff will come right to your door. New York based brand, Public School's Spring 2010 collection has a casual edge that almost makes you wonder if it doesn't belong in your wardrobe. Their outerwear is a must have and the rest is just a bonus.
Stock up!
Don't Diss Me!

Lara Bohinc's back gold ring with the pearl details has an enticing image that doesn't allow you to get the thought of purchasing it out of your mind. Agreed? buy it here.
There's A Cure...

Thanks to newly discovered brand, Plastic Island, has made buying and wearing skirts a little more interesting. As most women do, I get tired of seeing the same "cookie cutter" type basics that we wear from day to day. Here's your spice!
I'm Not Blind!
Since living here in New York City, I've come to love Uniqlo's image way more than I did before. This clip from their Fall 2009 collection really made me say the "i do's".
So Strong!
There's nothing I could possibly need this season than this brogue boot in cognac made by Duckie Brown with Florsheim. Try you luck with an "antique" pair of denim or even your new pair of tights and an extra long cardigan...
Push It!
Only Human!
Just when you thought that your accessories couldn't get any cleaner... Apsina of London came to save your day with their clavery satchel. It has a ring of filthy rich living in the country, doesn't it?
The Christmas shopping begins
Say Hello... Not Goodbye

Bag brand, BillyKirk is always a great place to get your clean hand made leather accessories that will compliment your wardrobe perfectly. Ever since I laid my eyes on their first striped doctor bag 2 years ago in Men's Vogue.... I knew the love would last forever. This waxed cloth carry all available at Opening Ceremony is clearly a classic that can be missed out on.
Do your worst