Well, Well, Well Mr. "#1 Most, STYLISH man in America", looks like you've been caught slippin'. #1 rule of FASHION, "Never let them see you sweat". We don't know what you're reaching for down there, but whatever it was, you should have left it alone and kept the show moving.
"Maybe he was tucking his shirt in?" some may say. SO!! A real FASHIONISTA/O would have left it out, and made it look like it was supposed to be worn that way. Am I right? Or Am I right?
Tsk Tsk Tsk....
A lot to learn JT..
By the way...that sweater is kinda hot...Where'd you get it?
well you know how sometimes we get that itch! lol
Maybe he had to adjust his briefs! lol
i'm sure "its" not that big for adjustment. lol
geeeee Idk.
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