In todays world, you come across hidden gems that people don't seem to recognize as it stares them directly in the face. Whether its a secluded spot in the park, a spa or even a restaurant, in this case.... I happened to stumble upon a young style icon in the making who goes by the name An Dukes. Living in Beltsville, Maryland, An draws inspiration from Common, Kanye West, Keisha Cole, & Trey Songz. "Fashion is the only thing i've got", she says... "there is no greater joy to me than IT and everything revolving around it."
Although just a senior in high school she knows that fashion and style is imprinted in her future, "I'm just going to take whatever's thrown at me and roll with it, whether my face is one that's known for being the best at what i do or not."
At such a young age, Dukes loves to make random stops at Vintage Shops and Thrift Stores (with the acception of special pieces from Urban Outfitters and H&M) , because of course only the iconic know that theres nothing better than a vintage piece..... theres just an essence about it that never leaves the seams. I will say I'll have my eyes on this one.

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