
Book of Motivation

I really recommend that all gentlemen of style, go out and grab (and rent from the library,lol)this book. The Allure of Men probably defines every "genre" of a man there is on this planet. The book features photos by Denise Colomb, Andre Villers, & Claude Gassian...and photos OF some of the most influential men, like Yves Saint Laurent, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Paolo Roversi, and Fred Astaire. It's not just a coffee table piece... its an incredible image changer...


Anonymous said...

headed to Barnes and noble's right now

Anonymous said...

This is interesting... I was looking at it the other day and put it down. Well I was hella tired from work and its a pretty heavy book.

Anonymous said...

This is interesting... I was looking at it the other day and put it down. Well I was hella tired from work and its a pretty heavy book.

Anonymous said...

can you please be my mentor?

Anonymous said...

whats with the two naked dudes. disturbing!