Today I had the pleasure of meeting Hommy Diaz, who is the Global Product Line Manager for the brand DC Shoes. Now, to be honest, I've never been a fan (or even an innocent by-stander) of the brand... but once I saw these kicks on his feet, there was no question that they became a quick interest. According to Diaz... the shoe is scheduled to
release TOMORROW and is one of their new "more grown up" line. I'm intrigued.
Nothing Sweeter
O.G's Back on the Map

It's nice to see that the original pimp image has now found it's way onto Jean Paul Gaultier's a/w 2009 catwalk. I have certain liking for the strapings, coats, and metallic finishing (on the trousers). I just hope that this doesn't influence a modern day Black Panther movement. Obama's here.... let's put that behind us (lol).
Chic-a-dee: Jackie Onasis
Kiss Me!
been in mood for fashion illustrator to look up to (one day I'll post an
illustration of mine and you'll understand why I'm such a fan). One of
my weekly reads Igor+Andre definitely sparks my interest in the art
world... check out his work at
I'm Def! [Reader's Choice]
Russell touched on some things like his inspirations, his love life (or lives,lol), networking, and his growth as an urban corporate american figure. More importantly he reminded his readers that he wasn't "given money" but he had to find different ways to make it (which begun his life story).
He also pulled (but didn't play) the race card:
"One key example of how I view the world is my feeling about the word 'racist'. I don't use the word 'racist' much. It's not productive. It doesn't help me to say, 'Oh, yes, white people are racist. That's why I can't get ahead.' You see, I realized a while ago that I have the
ability to stomach racist white people and accept the rest of of them for what they are."
And I completely appreciate his views. I DO understand that in some (maybe most) cases race may be an issue... but only if you make it an issue. (Right?)
"So when I say, 'I can stomach racist white people,'" he continues, "it's because their small-mindedness doesn't mean sh*t to me." Which (I believe) is a great attitude to possess. "Anger can sidetrack you. It take a lot of energy to be mad all the time. Some people can do that and
still get things done. I cannot. I have to be moving forward or I fall into the trap of letting the anger control me." However despite what Russell has experienced he firmly believes that "at the end of the day, it's what you learn from these interactions that determine your success or failure."
Other quotes going on the wall:
"Maintain your honesty and integrity, commercial success and longevity
will follow"
"Finding ways to get along with people I crucial to anything you do"
"Not everyone you learn from is gonna be nice"
"You are only as good as the people around you. You can have a powerful
vision but without a staff that can make it happen, it's just a dream"
"Today's asshole may be tomorrow's innovator"
"We don't change for you; you adapt to us." (Dope right?)
Keepin' Fresh
Pool Party At My Place
pulled from Sprin 09 runway shows....and quite frankly...I've never had
such a strong urge to have a pool party (lol). Who's with me?
Stripe One!
[Love Interest] Antonin Tron
to menswear in a very simplistic (yet odd but likable) way. Ok ok
ok...I'll admit that I do get overly excited when I see fresh images
for dudes like me (and never really think or plan out where the item
will be worn)...but its oh so nice to know that THERE IS A MARKET FOR
I slept with Yves [last night]
After all the talk and fantasizing about them... the YSL Tribal Moccasins are finally mine! FINALLY!!! And you won't believe the hell I went through to get them in my possession. In a nutshell (and a 30 minute lunch break); a lost wallet (right before purchase), a cancelled bankcard, a bank with one "office teller" and no replacement cards, a memorized account number but no I.D, and a police report.
With all that being said Fashion is Fun!
Locked Up
Paint my Picture!
I've always had a interest in fashion illustration (ever since I took Stuart Mckenzie's portfolio & illustration class in London) but Cassandra Rhodin has resparked the fire in me to collect this form of art.
It saddens me to say that the blogs might be a little light (one or two
a day) for the next week or two... have issues with both my sidekick and
Stay tuned though
Imma G
so Its 2009... and since I'm unable to teleport myself to my dream vacation...I might as well settle for the G-Dog. Its stands 5.3 inches tall and runs for $1,000