
Peace Out!

I decided to take a "personal-peace" day this weekend to gather some of my thoughts together that have been floating around as of late. Of course since we all need to take the time to step away from everything that we're involved in and conclude whether or not we're pleased with the work we've done. This particular day I picked up my notebook and made my way to the beach alone, with the plans of jotting down all I'd had in mind over the weeks. I found that my mind drew a complete blank and I couldn't seem to get the clutter out onto paper. It then dawned on  me that I couldn't find peace in the very place that was perceived as paradise by society. Which naturally surfaced by next point of realization. Where does one find agreement? In their homes? Their cars on the way to work? Their church? In the middle of nowhere with a beer? Although I didn't find the answer just then, I must say that it's one of those moment's when you search for what is right for your life. Join the movement! 



Mikey said...

Right on John!

Charlie Brown said...

peace is a mind-frame! believe it!