
How You Like Me Now?

Anyone who thinks they know me would know that I stay true to my Hondas. no matter what the case. Corn you say? Maybe... but they're effin' good cars (do your damn research)! Discovering the new "Honda Zeppelin" designed by Myung Jin Jung,  only made me love 'em much more than I already do. Although  Jung only designed the car concept as  a part of his final year thesis... the concept seems to have gotten picked up by Honda as the zeppelin includes a slit-like windscreen, attached to a video display inside the car, which offers an extensive view and better driving perception to the driver. Moreover, the car comes with swiveling front seats, capable of rotating on an acute 180-degree angle to face the back seats, taking the Zeppelin into the “Entertainment Mode.” This makes the interior the car more adaptable while being luxurious. I just hope I'm not waiting till 2015 to get this famazing car! 


Anonymous said...

Amazing car - but I would hate to try and get in it - where the hell are the doors?!!

Ah, alas, soemtimes the beautiful cars are not destined for simpleltons like me!

marla said...

ohhhh yes!!

Betty said...
