Ever since I discovered Oprah Winfrey's new spiritual beliefs I sort of fell off of being such a huge fan of hers. With that being said, I've only recently been pulled back into being apart of the experience of just knowing what it is she's discussing on her ludicrous talk show (because knowing is just so beautiful). On Thursday's show, Oprah and Dr. Laura Berman began a discussion involving the issue of sex among teenage girls. Berman believes that one of the ways we can "solve the problem" is encouraging your daughters to masturbate (yes...masturbate). Now...although I may be a very spiritual person, masturbation can be a very beautiful thing if not abused by the user. However I just can't seem to wrap my brain around the idea of telling my teenage daughter (or anyone under the age of 18) to "touch themselves."
Don't start writing your letters to the Harpo Camp just yet. Berman's concept behind the idea is to give your children the information that they need to be comfortable with their bodies in order to know how to handle themselves during a sexual encounter. In other words, she really wanted little girls to know and understand that they have complete control over the feelings that may experience during an orgasm, NOT a man. As if telling your child to treat their body like an amusement park wasn't enough to send you marching to the next town hall meeting.... Berman also encourages giving your teen a dildo (YES! A DILDO!!)
Before I really lost my mind, I had a brief talk with one of my life mentors, Aliethia Evans and she allowed me to understand that the world is already corrupt as it is and it wont get better....period! Otherwise there would be no point to the theory of evolution, whether it be negative or positive. Instead of teaching and motivating our kids to take control of their lusts, we feed them. Instead of telling our kids "yield not" to the first person that says "I love/like you", we tell them to know you can give yourself an orgasm. Even though the Bible doesn't exactly speak against the issue of masturbation, opening up that discussion with your kids isn't the best way to deal with the growing rate of teenage pregnancies. Once again, Oprah has pushed me further away from wanting to be on her show!!!
I don't know where I stand on this issue. It's a difficult one, but I agree with you that a) it will do nothing to stop teen pregnancies and b) telling them to use a dildo is just plain weird. I remember at one of my old jobs having a discussion with one of the guys who found it hard to believe that masturbation wasn't part of my daily routine. He said that he doesn't trust women who don't as they don't "know themselves" or what they want. Very off topic but it's all relatable. The concept of sex and masturbation has been so twisted it's hard to know what side of the fence to be on...
you know, Oprah has just been falling off into something new. First, she didnt believe in the salvation for her sins, and now she wants her kinds to practice being regular masturbators! Believe me, I'm with you 110% on this, no matter what Oprah says, I will no longer support her stupidness.
UGH! i really dont know where to begin. She has really flipped her wig, but in her mind she believes that she's doing so much good. as long as I know that the woman is dead wrong for this, everything is okay!
I love Oprah but we must remember everyone has different views on everything. Honestly i m very spiritual as well, but we do live in realistic times and these lil gals are out here givin they goodies up quick easy and too much. I'd honestly rather my teenage daughter masturbate than sleep around. thats if she must have sex in those age areas. Oprah is gettin her life together give her a chance lol
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